Responsible Care Management

Policy / Basic approach

Responsible Care (RC) is a quality management initiative conducted voluntarily and globally by the chemical industry. With RC, the industry assures “safety, health, and the preserved environment” throughout the life cycle of chemical products, starting from development, through manufacturing, logistics, use and consumption, and ultimately ending in disposal, and then maintains and improves the quality of the manufactured chemical products so that it can promote communication with the community, which helps build more social trust. The Hodogaya Chemical Group considers RC activities as one of the most important pillars of management. Under the basic principle “ensuring environmental conservation, health and safety, and product quality is fundamental to corporate management and the basis for all business activities,” it conducts initiatives that encompass environmental preservation, security and disaster prevention, workplace safety and health, chemical/product safety, quality assurance, logistics safety, and communication with society.
Also, we evaluate our overall business operations in accordance with our established Responsible Care Rules, and disclose to the public our business goals and measures for comprehensive safety management of chemicals as the “Basic Philosophy of RC” and “Basic Policies of RC,” and then create awareness about the importance of the philosophy and policies among our employees through education and training.

About Responsible Care (RC)

Responsible care (RC) is a voluntary management initiative intended for companies involved in the production and handling of chemical substances to implement and improve their environmental, health and safety measures across the product lifecycle, from development to disposal.
Hodogaya Chemical became a member of the apan Responsible Care Council (JRCC) n 1997, declaring engagement in responsible care and establishing the Basic Philosophy of RC and the Basic Policies of RC.
The Basic Policies of RC outlines our approach to conducting a sound business, in accordance with the Basic Philosophy of RC, by actively protecting the environment, ensuring safety, health and quality, and making continual improvement to coexist with society.
Since then, annual objectives based on the Basic Policies of RC are created every year, and every member of our organization is actively involved in the efforts to promote the RC initiatives to improve our performance with regard to the environment, safety, health and quality which are the bedrock of our business activities.

[Declaration of Responsible Care]

Hodogaya Chemical hereby sets forth the basic philosophy of Responsible Care (RC) to protect the environment and ensure the safety and health of people, and declares its engagement in the practice of Responsible Care through its ordinary business activities.

June 23, 1997

Basic Philosophy of Responsible Care (RC)
  1. Ensuring environmental conservation, health and safety, and product quality are fundamental to its management and the basis for all business activities.
  2. Ensuring environmental conservation, health and safety, and product quality can be achieved when each and every employee acts with constant awareness and responsibility in their respective capacity.
  3. Ensuring environmental conservation, health and safety, and product quality leads to greater trust of society and the well-being of employees.
Basic Policy of Responsible Care (RC)
  1. Each and every employee will act according to the RC basic philosophy with awareness and responsibility.
  2. We will abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to our business activities as well as the requirements of the local communities and partner companies as agreed to by the Company.
  3. We will ensure the safety and health of employees and local residents by controlling the safety of our operation.
  4. We will provide highly functional products and services with high added value.
  5. We will be environmentally conscious in the development, manufacturing, transportation, use, and disposal of our products, and strive to preserve the environment by implementing measures to prevent pollution and reduce environmental impact.
  6. We will gather information on the safety of chemical substances, and will ensure the safety and health of our employees, partner companies, and suppliers by providing education and offering such information.
  7. We will maintain close contact with the administrative authorities and industry groups to ensure environmental conservation, safety, health and quality.
●Responsible Care (RC) Management System

The senior executive officer (director) who supervises the Environment and Safety Department is responsible for RC activities.
The RC & QM Subcommittee chaired by the executive officer is held four times a year, during which RC activity plans are formulated, achievements are evaluated, and all things related to RC activities company-wide are discussed and decided.
The RC goals for the following fiscal year are deliberated and approved by the Management Committee before being reported to the board of directors to ensure the top management’s commitment. To achieve the RC goals, the Hodogaya Chemical Group obtained an integrated certification for an ISO management system (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) based on the “Basic Philosophy of RC.” Although we have not obtained ISO 45001 certification, we strive to manage goals through the PDCA cycle and make continuous improvements by holding safety and health committee meetings at each site at least once a month or by sharing information on safety and health through equivalent methods.
Also, at each office, the occupational safety and health promoters conduct RC activities according to the office or unit’s own plan formulated based on the RC goals.

●RC Audit

In accordance with “Basic Philosophy of RC,” “Basic Policies of RC,” and “Responsible Care Rules,” the RC audit is implemented to verify whether or not activities are conducted within the scope of the ISO Management System Standards and RC plan, and are effective.
The audit team comprising the leader and members of the RC & QM Subcommittee confirms whether RC activities are conducted in an appropriate manner, and the PDCA cycle is steadily implemented at the head office, each plant, research center, or affiliated company; the team also checks the environment, safety, or health-related compliance matters.
If outstanding issues or potential risks related to environment, safety, health, and quality are identified through the RC audit, these are highlighted to call for corrective action.
In FY2022, the RC audit was conducted 9 times at the head office, plants, research center, and affiliated companies.

●Responsible Care (RC) education

In order to gain understanding on RC initiatives and to ensure steady implementation, the Hodogaya Chemical Group provides new employees and transferees with structured education on the Seven codes of Responsible Care (management system, environmental conservation, security and disaster prevention, occupational safety and health, logistic safety, chemicals and product safety, and dialogue with society) as well as on quality management or quality assurance.
We also provide regular training sessions every year to develop human resources for ISO management system internal auditors.

[Seven codes of Responsible Care]

  • Management system: Carry out each of the 6 activities systematically in a unified manner to effectively and efficiently promote continuous improvements in the environment, health, and safety.
  • Environmental conservation: Continually reduce substances that are hard on the environment through business activities while being concerned with improving the environment, health, and safety.
  • Security and disaster prevention: Prevent accidents such as chemical leaks, fires, and explosions.
  • Workplace safety and health: Eliminate occupational accidents, reduce potential sources of danger, encourage health improvements and the creation of a comfortable work environment, and improve the safety and health standards of workplaces.
  • Logistic safety: Reduce the risks during the distribution of chemicals that could affect employees, transporters, delivery workers, subcontractors, society, and the environment.
  • Chemicals and product safety: Control the risk of danger and harm to the environment, health, and safety across the entire lifecycle of chemicals and products in order to promote the environment, health, and safety of all stakeholders.
  • Dialog with society: Endeavor to provide information on the environment, health, and safety across the entire lifecycle of chemicals and products to general society and local society and ensure that correct information on environment, health, and safety is shared with employees and the general public in order to respond appropriately to the concerns of the general public.


Tsukuba Research Laboratory

Yamato Shima

As an occupational safety and health promoter

As an occupational safety and health promoter, my job is to create an annual action plan on the various environmental and safety issues that need to be addressed at our workplace, and to execute and control the progress of the plan. At the monthly occupational safety and health meeting of the Functional Materials Group, lively discussions are held among superiors and subordinates, seniors and juniors, regardless of rank, and I feel that through various initiatives, there is a growing momentum in which each of us think about safety more seriously.
Environment and safety are critical theme that constitute the bedrock of our business activities and are essential in gaining social trust and coexisting with society. It is a theme that must be grappled by the collaborative effort of all employees, and I am also committed to fulfill my own role, cooperating with others, giving attention to environment and safety at all times.