R&D System

Strengthen Our R&D Structure

The Hodogaya Chemical Group promotes cutting-edge R&D for the future with a global R&D system that extends from Japan to overseas.
With the Tsukuba Research Laboratory in Japan as the main center, the R&D departments of each plant and Korean group companies, SFC CO., LTD. and HODOGAYA CHEMICAL KOREA CO., LTD., work together to promote R&D and quickly respond to customer requests.

Further Development of Strategic Products while Fostering New Ideas

By applying the technology we have accumulated over the past 100 years, we aim to continue expanding and developing our strategic products under our Mid-term Management Plan SPEED 25/30. We will also conduct research and investigations to establish R&D strategies based on a long-term perspective with the keywords Electronics & information, Mobility, Environment & energy, Life sciences, and Agricultural & food products centered on the New Product Exploration Project. The goal is to create new businesses for the next generation, put in place a system in which R&D, production, and sales functions make a three-pronged effort to respond speedily to the needs of customers.
We will collaborate with the newly reorganized Organic & Optical Device Materials Department to strengthen our activities in the Electronics and Information field, and we aim to expand the biotechnology field in Life Sciences.
We are also actively promoting joint frameworks with industry, government, and academia and working to build next-generation basic technologies and create new businesses.

Promoting an Intellectual Property Strategy

As far as our future business portfolio is concerned, we are promoting the prompt filing and acquisition of intellectual property rights based on R&D results. Based on information searches and patent analyses, we are also currently focusing on improving the quality of patents by using patent maps and intellectual property education. Going forward, we will continue to secure patent rights in Japan and overseas to accommodate global business expansion.

A Solid Foundation of Three Core Technologies

1. High-purification

Leveraging advanced refining technologies that achieve a higher level of purification

Highly purified raw materials that can be used in new fields and are always in demand for constantly evolving applications. The Hodogaya Chemical Group’s advanced refining technology solves the most stringent demands and meets customer expectations.

2. Development capability in functional materials

Developing materials with new functionality that leads to comfortable and abundant lifestyles

The goal is to fulfill dreams – abundant lifestyles that are safe, secure, and comfortable. The Hodogaya Chemical Group will open up all kinds of fresh possibilities for its technology while offering new materials that feature a wide array of functions.

3. Evaluation technology for functional materials

Knowledge, experience, and skill.
Evaluation technology that supports materials of the future

The responses to the Hodogaya Chemical Group’s products, which are finished with a high degree of sophistication, are reflected in the trust our customers place in us. We transform the results from evaluations into new designs and cutting-edge materials ahead of others.