Environmental Conservation

Basic approach

Greenhouse gas emissions along with energy consumption, depletion of water resources, and chemical emissions into the atmosphere or water/soil resources, all of which are attributable to the Hodogaya Chemical Group’s business activities, can affect the environment.
Therefore, we consider continuously reducing all types of chemical emissions and waste as one of the important missions of chemical manufacturers and strive to address environmental preservation issues from both perspectives—reducing the environmental burdens arising from business activities and appropriately managing chemicals to minimize the impact of our business activities on the environment.
Based on the “Basic Philosophy of RC”, Hodogaya Chemical Group obtained a certification for all Japanese offices for the environmental management system (ISO 14001) in 2001.
This system was integrated across all group company locations in Japan in 2010, and after obtaining an integrated certification, the percentage of certified group companies in Japan was 100% as of FY2022.
Also, we have employed environmental accounting to identify the costs and effects of our environmental preservation activities and smoothly implement environmental management.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems
Certification body Japan Chemical
Quality Assurance
Registration no. JCQA‑E‑0330
Compatible standards JIS Q 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
Date of acquisition December 25, 2001
Material flow
Initiatives to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

The Hodogaya Chemical Group, which considers responding to climate change as an important management issue, has spontaneously conducted initiatives for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) for many years to achieve the realization of a sustainable world and society as specified in the VISION of the mid‑term management plan SPEED 25/30.
Most of the GHG emissions as a result of our business activities are CO2 emissions attributable to energy consumption. The total volume of our GHG emissions in FY2022 was approximately 45,772 tons (Scope 1*1 + Scope 2*2).
In FY2022, we made investments utilizing Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP), which had been introduced in FY2021. Going forward, we will continue our efforts to reduce emissions by adopting energy-saving equipment and switching to renewable energy sources through decarbonization investment from a longterm perspective to continuously improve energy intensity. With respect to Scope 3*3, we are currently at the stage of ascertaining information on the status of other companies’ initiatives.
While ascertaining GHG emissions and formulating reduction plans through analysis of the results, we will strive to reduce GHG emissions in accordance with the plans.
Also, Hodogaya Chemical that supports “COOL CHOICE,” the national movement calling for measures against global warming promoted by the government, has introduced “Business Casual for Men (no neckties required)” at the workplace in addition to “COOL BIZ,” a business style to be able to work in offices comfortably and regularly conducts activities such as “No Car Day” at the office level.

*1 Scope 1: direct emissions

*2 Scope 2: energy‑originated indirect emissions

*3 Scope 3: other indirect emissions; separated into 15 categories

●CO2 emissions
Initiatives to Lower Environmental Impacts
●Prevention of air pollution

SOx (sulfur oxide), NOx (nitrogen oxide), and dust are discharged from our factories from the burning of fuel and other aspects of chemical manufacturing. In FY2011, Hodogaya Chemical completed a switch to city gas for the raw fuel used in our plants, which has allowed us to continue to achieve zero emission of SOx since FY2012. We are also achieving significant reduction of NOx and dust emissions through measures such as adopting dust collectors and scrubbing towers, and using catalyzers. This has allowed us to mitigate discharge of these substances into the atmosphere.

Prevention of air pollution

●Protection of water resources and prevention of water pollution

Based on an analysis of water stress in the area where our factories are located using the water risk evaluation tool AQUEDUCT from the World Resources Institute (WRI), Koriyama and Shunan are low to medium, and Yokohama is medium to high. No water is taken from areas considered high.
There has been no change even after 50 years. Of the 10,680 tons of water used by our factories in FY2022, 99% is procured from rivers and streams and does not stress the water supply. Only a small amount, about 1%, of the water supply we use is for drinking water. Moreover, we do not use groundwater that could cause land subsidence.
We consider the effective use of water resources as the foundation of our sustainable production activities, and we strive to conserve rivers located nearby our factories.
Water released during the manufacturing process is treated in an advanced manner at the on‑site wastewater treatment facility within the plant, and released into the public waters after the water quality clears regulatory values.
In FY 2022, we will continue to strive to improve the water quality and work to reduce the environmental impact risks to oceans and rivers without violating our standards for water usage and quality.

Prevention of water pollution

●Industrial waste reduction

The Hodogaya Chemical Group promotes the 3R+Renewable initiative (reduce, reuse, recycle, renewable [use of recyclable materials]) for waste materials. In our midterm business plan, we promoted reducing the volume generated compared with the previous fiscal year as a KPI. In FY2022, total emissions and final disposal volumes increased by 27% and 63%, respectively, compared with the previous year. Although there is also the impact of differences in the composition of production items and other factors, we take the facts of the increases seriously and will redouble our efforts as we strive to reduce industrial waste. Additionally, based on the Plastic Resource Circulation Act, which went into effect on April 1, 2022, we tried to reduce industrial waste from plastic products generated in the course of our business activities, which amounted to 126t in FY2022.

Industrial waste reduction

●PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)

In order to reduce the amount of chemical substances that are harmful to the environment, Hodogaya Chemical ascertains the release and transfer of PRTR-listed substances and reports them to the national authorities in line with the PRTR Act (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register). Hodogaya Chemical handles 38 of the 462 substances defined in the PRTR Act as Class 1 Designated Chemical Substances. From the perspective of environmental conservation, we will ascertain the actual status of chemical substance emissions and transfers of waste into the environment, while continuing to strive to work to reduce the amounts of such substances released and transferred.

FY2022 release amounts and transfer amounts of PRTR listed substances

* Of which 1.15 tons have been sent to the adjacent wastewater treatment facility and released into the public water bodies after being treated.

To Environmental data (PRTR)
●Environmental accounting initiatives

Since FY2021, the Hodogaya Chemical Group has adopted environmental accounting and data compilation in order to quantify the resources we invest in the environment and use them for environmental management.
Of the major expenditures related to environmental conservation in FY2022, the largest expense was resource recycling costs, which amounted to 189 million JPY.

To Environmental data (Environmental Accounting)

Koriyama Plant

Takahiro Okoshi

Energy Conservation Efforts at Koriyama Plant

Energy forms an essential element in our lives. However, global warming brought about by energy consumption has become a serious problem, and energy conservation is now an important issue on a global scale. As an energy saving initiative at the Koriyama Plant, we installed an ICP system-based heat pump in December 2022 to make effective use of the waste hot water, which had not previously been used, after the heat exchange process. Using this waste water as a heat source and efficiently heating boiler feed water is expected to reduce emissions by 171t-CO2/year and city gas consumption by 113,000Nm3/year. There are many other energy-saving initiatives we can usefully do ourselves, such as saving electricity and water, rather than by installing equipment. Aware of the need to mitigate the effects of global warming, each and every person working at the Koriyama Plant will continue to engage in energy-saving activities.

Koriyama Plant

Seiya Hirayama

As an Energy Manager at the Koriyama Plant

Until now, energy conservation has been implemented mainly for cost reduction reasons. While this practice hasn’t changed until today, it is becoming more and more important as a means of solving social issues such as the prevention of global warming and ensuring a stable supply ofenergy. Energy, such as fuel and electricity, is indispensable for manufacturing products. The Koriyama Plant in particular, consumes a large amount of energy, and according to calculations based on the Energy Conservation Act, it accounts for approximately 70% of the energy consumption of our three domestic plants.
As an energy manager, my role is to improve the efficiency of energy use, that is, to promote energy conservation. With the introduction of highly-efficient equipment and the reduction and reuse of waste energy as measures related to production, all workplaces are working together to fulfil their social responsibility by focusing on energy conversation of daily usage not directly linked to production, such as lighting and air-conditioning.

Nanyo Plant

Koichi Fukuda

Initiatives to increase the recycling rate for our volume of industrial waste

At the Nanyo Plant, with the target of improving our year‑on‑year recycling rate and cutting the amount of industrial waste that goes into landfills, we are pursuing the following FY2021 environmental conservation initiatives:

  • (1) Considering ways, such as thermal recycling, to reuse industrial waste
  • (2) Signing agreements with multiple processors and disposers in order to secure excellent processors committed to renewable efforts
  • (3) At the time of waste release, prioritizing the selection of renewable processors and disposers and implementing systematic processing and disposal
  • (4) In order to ensure the proper treatment of industrial waste, managing WDS (waste data sheets) and appropriately releasing industrial waste
  • (5) Recovering and reusing by‑products of industrial waste discharged during production processes Striving to continually improve our recycling rate.


Yasuyuki Harata

Development of environmentally friendly product

When developing agricultural chemicals, it is of critical importance to ensure that users can safely utilize the chemicals to control weeds or pests, and to ensure that the impact of sprayed agricultural chemicals on the surrounding environment, including aquatic plants and animals, is minimal. By modifying the pharmaceutical formulation of products and the equipment used for spraying, it is possible to curb the impact on aquatic plants and animals, as well as reduce human exposure and dispersal into the surrounding area.
In recent years, some infrastructure and transportation-related companies have been setting their own safety standards for the agricultural chemicals they use, and some even ban the use of products labelled with a warning that they could potentially impact aquatic plants and animals. Most of the herbicides currently sold in Japan are labelled with this warning, but we modified the active ingredients, their respective amounts, and the pharmaceutical formulation to develop and start selling a highly effective herbicide with a reduced impact on aquatic plants and animals. I intend to continue working on product development, keeping safety and the environment in mind as I do so.

Koriyama Plant

Shun Sato

Aiming for wastewater with minimal impact on river life

I work as a manager responsible for preventing water pollution. My work includes interpreting analysis data for water discharged by each manufacturing process as well as overall water discharge, monitoring water quality, and filing notifications with governmental authorities and others.
The Koriyama Plant manufactures products such as hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide derivatives, charge control agents and organic photo conductors used in copiers, and aluminum coloring dyes. The water discharged by the associated manufacturing processes is treated at a central wastewater treatment facility, then discharged into the Ouse River, a Class A river (as defined in Japan’s River Act) within the water system of the Abukuma River, which runs through the city of Koriyama. We therefore conduct monitoring and measurement according to standards we have set ourselves, which are even more stringent than the statutory water discharge standards. If there is even the slightest change in water quality, we immediately contact the relevant department and discuss the situation with them, then deliberate on and implement an investigation into the cause, along with improvement measures.
Everybody at the plant will continue working as one to maintain and improve the quality of our wastewater so that the koi carp and dragonfly larvae in the Ouse River can continue to live there undisturbed.

Tsukuba Research Laboratory

Masafumi Asakai

Introduction of Tsukuba Research Laboratory’s approach to waste reduction

To reduce paper waste, we try to reduce the amounts generated and also as a community contribution effort, we ask a social welfare corporation operating a support facility for persons with disabilities in Tsukuba City to collect and recycle paper waste. They come to collect the paper waste once a week.
When we have a small chat, they are all so pleasant that I get cheered up. I also feel that recycling the paper waste is beneficial to the welfare activities, even if just by a small amount.
To reduce glass waste, we used to take the glass bottles to the waste storage, which took up space. After consulting with the supplier, we are now able to return and reuse them by drying the bottles. We no longer worry about securing space for waste.

Environment・Safety & Quality
Assurance Department

Satoru Shibata

ISO 14001 internal audit

Some of the things I take note as an ISO internal auditor include whether the documents assessing the environmental impact of our products are properly produced, and whether the concept of product lifecycle from procurement of raw materials and manufacturing to disposal and recycle is integrated in the product development process. Once we actually conduct the audit, we can clearly see that the progress of specific initiatives to resolve issues are properly documented, and training sessions are well planned.
Continuous efforts must be made to protect the environment. I believe that our Company can continue to help protect the environment as a chemicals company through the provision of materials that could limit the product’s power consumption or through development of herbicides and pesticides that are friendly to the ecosystem.