Construction Materials

Construction Materials: Waterproofing materials to protect buildings

For buildings, keeping out the elements is of the utmost importance. Performing this critical task is waterproofing technology. Being the first company to develop urethane coating waterproofing materials, building on the elasticity, adhesiveness, and durability that are polyurethane’s unique strengths, and supplying a superior waterproofing technology are all part of the Hodogaya Chemical group’s ‘chemistry’.
High performance that responds to a variety of conditions is vital for construction materials because of variations in climate. Hodogaya Chemical provides a wide range of construction materials that can be used with versatility for different purposes. These include elastic floors with seamless joints, pavement materials that are clean, can withstand strenuous use, and have a guaranteed long life, as well as adhesives and injectants that are noted for their stable performance.

Subsidiary: Hodogaya Construction Products Co., Ltd.(87.6%)


 Rooftop Parking



 Waterproofing of planting parts

Spotlight on Products and Technologies

Urethane Waterproofing Materials

  • Base component
  • Blend
  • Urethan waterproofing materials

The base component and the hardener are blended and sprayed on the target area to coat the concrete or other surface with multiple layers.

Spraying waterproofing paint

Spraying paint on stadium stand

Urethane Waterproofing Materials: Typical Applications

Urethane Waterproofing Materials: Typical Applications

The Hodogaya Chemical Group’s urethane waterproofing technology is used in a wide variety of applications throughout the country, including office buildings, schools, parking lot roofs, apartment and single-family home verandas.

The Future of Urethane Waterproofing: Creating Healthy Materials

We were the first in the waterproofing industry to sell urethane coating waterproofing materials in 1966, and in the 50 years or so that have followed, we have accumulated a great deal of experience. We have tirelessly directed our research and development efforts to the environment, and have strengthened our efforts to develop environmentally friendly waterproofing materials. The focus of our development is combatting ‘sick house syndrome’ and endocrine disruption with healthy and environmentally friendly waterproofing systems.

  • Hodogaya Construction Products Co., Ltd